
Posted by Admin on 8:47 AM

Definition Transistor
Transistors are semiconductor devices used as an amplifier, a circuit breaker and junction (switching), voltage stabilization, signal modulation or other sebagaifungsi. Such transistors can function electric valves, where according to input current (BJT) or voltage input (FET), allowing a very accurate electrical conduction from the circuit source listriknya.Pada general, the transistor has three terminals. Voltage or current that is installed on one terminal set larger currents through two other terminals. Transistors are the essential components in modern electronic world. Some transistors can also be arranged in such a way as to function as logic gates, memory, and components lainnya.Pada generally there are two types of transistors of the transistor BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) and FET (Field Effect Transistors). Bipolar transistor so named because its main conduction channel using two polarity carriers: electrons and holes, to carry electrical current. In the BJT, the main electric current must pass through a region / boundary layer called the depletion zone, and the thickness of this layer can be adjusted with high speed in order to regulate the flow of the mainstream. For BJT transistor can be analogous to the 2 pieces of diodes as shown in the image below:


Types of transistors, which are type NPN transistor (Negative - Positive - Negative) and PNP (Positive - Negative - Positive). And this difference largely lies in the direction of current through each terminal of this component.


Symbols NPN and PNP transistors.

How it works transistor BJT:
• For NPN: if Potential Base> Potential emitter then the current flows from Colector to the emitter (as arrows).
• For PNP: if Potential Base
In this training type BJT transistor used to model TO 92 (9012 and 9013).
Tip: in soldering transistors, try as quickly as possible so as not to cause the transistor does not exceed its temperature limits. In the use of transistors used noticed tension value. Voltage value that exceeds the limits of the transistor to cause the transistor burns.