Understanding Sensors

Posted by Admin on 9:10 AM
Sensors is a tool to detect / measure something, which is used to convert variations in mechanical, magnetic, heat, light and chemicals into the voltage and amperage. In environmental control systems and robotics, sensors provide similarities that resemble eyes, ears, nose, tongue which will then be processed by the controller as his brain (Petruzella, 2001).

Measurement techniques and sensors in an electronic setting function change of physical quantities (eg temperature, force, rotation speed) into a proportional electrical quantity. Measurement techniques and sensors in this arrangement must meet the quality requirements:

1. Linearity
Conversion should really proportional, so the conversion should be linear characteristics.

2. Not dependent temperature
Converter output must not depend on the temperature around him, except the temperature sensor.

3. Sensitivity
Sensitivity of the sensor must be chosen such, that the input values ​​are obtainable output voltage significantly.

4. Response time
Response time is the time required to reach the sensor output value is finally on the input values ​​change abruptly. The sensor must be able to change quickly if the value input to the system where the sensor is changed.

5. Lowest and highest frequency limit
The boundaries are periodic input frequency of the lowest value and highest which still can be converted by the sensor correctly. In most applications require that the lowest frequency is 0Hz.

6. Stability time
For input values ​​(input) the sensor must be able to give a specific output (output) is still value in a long time.

7. Hysteresis
Symptoms of hysteresis on the magnetization of iron can also be found on the sensor. For example, at a certain temperature sensors can give different output.

Four of the nature of the terms of her top, namely linearity, dependence on temperature, time stability and hysteresis determine the sensor accuracy


Posted by Admin on 9:00 AM
Relay is a device that uses an electromagnet to operate a set of switch contacts. The most simple composition consisting of conductive wire coils that wrapped around the iron core. When the coil is energized, magnetic fields that form interesting armature is used as a lever pivot switch mechanism.


Types of relay

Based on the workings
  1. Normal open. Contact switch is closed only when the relay is turned on.
  2. Normal closed. Switch contacts open only when the relay is turned on.
  3. Swap-grafting. Switch contacts move from one pole to another pole when the relay is turned on.
  4. When inflows On the instantaneous coil reels, the reels will instantly turn into magnit.gaya magnetic field is what will attract broad so that the switch will work

Under construction
  1. Relay menggrendel. Types of relays which continue working even though the coil power source has been eliminated.
  2. Relay stick. Used for fast switching low power. Made of two ferromagnetic stick that dikapsulkan in a glass tube. Coil wrapped around the glass tube.

IC (Integrated Circuit)

Posted by Admin on 8:54 AM
Definition of Integrated Circuit
IC (Integrated Circuit) is a semiconductor component in which there are tens, hundreds or thousands, even more basic electronic components consisting of a number of component resistors, transistors, diodes, and other semiconductor components. IC components in the form of a series that is integrated into a series of shaped chipkecil.

IC is used for several purposes of the manufacture of electronic equipment to be easily assembled into a relatively small-sized equipment. Prior to the IC, almost all electronic equipment is made from component units (individuals) are connected to each other using a wire or cable, so that seemed to have a big size and not practical. In terms of raw materials, IC wrapped in packaging (packages) for certain to be protected from outside interference as against moisture dust and other contamination substances. IC packaging is made from plastic ceramicdan materials, and designed for easy installation and penyambungannya. IC can work with a given ration voltage of 5-12 volts in accordance with its type IC. If a given input voltage over the specified limits, the IC is damaged it can be said, for more details will be explained on the strengths and weaknesses of the IC itself.

The IC should we as users can learn about some of the following, namely:

Advantages of IC (Integrated Circuit)
IC has been widely used in various fields, one field of Aerospace industry, where electronic control circuit will be more compact and small so as to reduce the weight of satellites, missiles and other types of other spacecraft. A very complex computer design can be facilitated, so that many components can be reduced and the size of the motherboard can be minimized. Another example, the IC used in the electronic calculating machine (calculator), also mobile phones (mobile phone) that looks relatively small. In the current era of advanced technology, electronic equipment required in order to have the size and weight as light and as small as possible and it may be possible to use IC. Besides the size and weight of small and light IC, IC also provides another advantage that is when compared to the circuit - which many of the conventional circuit using IC components with a relatively small circuit consumes only little energy sources and do not generate excessive heat so it does not require refrigeration (cooling system .)

The weakness of the IC (Integrated Circuit)
In the previous description appears as if the IC is so perfect compared to conventional electronic components, component padalah there is nothing that has weaknesses. Weakness IC or IC category that can be said damaged include limitations in the face of a large excess electric current, whereby electrical current can cause excessive heat inside the component, so that small components such as ICs will be easily damaged if the resulting overheating. Similarly, the IC constraints in the face of great tension, where a large voltage can damage the insulation layer between the components in the IC. Examples of such damage, there was a brief relationship between the components with each other in the IC, when this happens, then the IC can be damaged and become useless.


Posted by Admin on 8:47 AM
Definition Transistor
Transistors are semiconductor devices used as an amplifier, a circuit breaker and junction (switching), voltage stabilization, signal modulation or other sebagaifungsi. Such transistors can function electric valves, where according to input current (BJT) or voltage input (FET), allowing a very accurate electrical conduction from the circuit source listriknya.Pada general, the transistor has three terminals. Voltage or current that is installed on one terminal set larger currents through two other terminals. Transistors are the essential components in modern electronic world. Some transistors can also be arranged in such a way as to function as logic gates, memory, and components lainnya.Pada generally there are two types of transistors of the transistor BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) and FET (Field Effect Transistors). Bipolar transistor so named because its main conduction channel using two polarity carriers: electrons and holes, to carry electrical current. In the BJT, the main electric current must pass through a region / boundary layer called the depletion zone, and the thickness of this layer can be adjusted with high speed in order to regulate the flow of the mainstream. For BJT transistor can be analogous to the 2 pieces of diodes as shown in the image below:


Types of transistors, which are type NPN transistor (Negative - Positive - Negative) and PNP (Positive - Negative - Positive). And this difference largely lies in the direction of current through each terminal of this component.


Symbols NPN and PNP transistors.

How it works transistor BJT:
• For NPN: if Potential Base> Potential emitter then the current flows from Colector to the emitter (as arrows).
• For PNP: if Potential Base
In this training type BJT transistor used to model TO 92 (9012 and 9013).
Tip: in soldering transistors, try as quickly as possible so as not to cause the transistor does not exceed its temperature limits. In the use of transistors used noticed tension value. Voltage value that exceeds the limits of the transistor to cause the transistor burns.


Posted by Admin on 8:35 AM
Definition Capacitors
Capacitors are electronic components that can store electrical charges. The structure of a capacitor made of 2 pieces of metal plates separated by a dielectric material. Dielectric materials are commonly known as air vacuum, ceramic, glass and others. If both ends of the metal plate was given voltage, the positive charges will accumulate on one leg (electrode) metal and at the same time the negative charges accumulated on the metal edges of one another. The positive charge can not flow toward the negative pole and the opposite end of the negative charge can not be heading back up the positive pole, because the dielectric material separated by a non-conductive. Electric charge is "stored" as long as no conduction at the ends of the legs. In the wild, this phenomenon occurs when the capacitor charge accumulation-positive and negative charges in the clouds.


Capacitors are passive electronic components that are often used in designing a system that serves to block DC current, filter, and electrical energy storage. In it 2 pieces of plate electrode facing each other and separated by an insulator. While the materials used as an insulator called a dielectric. When the capacitor voltage DC provided the electric energy stored in each electrode. During the capacitor charging, current flows. The current flow will stop when the capacitor has been full. What distinguishes each - each capacitor is a dielectric.

Value and the unit is farad capacitor and is usually abbreviated F.
The value of this unit is considered too basic, so the unit farad is reduced again to the units as follows:

microfarads (µF)               nanoFarads (nF)                        picoFarads (pF)
0.000001µF          =         0.001nF                  =               1pF
0.00001µF            =         0.01nF                    =               10pF
0.0001µF              =         0.1nF                      =               100pF
0.001µF                =         1nF                         =               1000pF
0.01µF                  =         10nF                       =               10,000pF
0.1µF                    =         100nF                     =               100,000pF
1µF                       =         1000nF                   =               1,000,000pF
10µF                     =         10,000nF                =               10,000,000pF
100µF                   =         100,000nF              =               100,000,000pF

1 F   = 1 Farad = 1,000,000 Micro Farad
1 uF = 1000 nF = 100 KpF
1 uF = 1,000,000 pico Farad

Value capacitor in addition to written with color coding as in the resistor, most written with numerical symbols like this:

0.1 Means uF 0.1
0.001 means 0.001 uF
102 means 10 x 102
pF = 100 pF = 1 KpF
203 means 20 x 103
pF = 200 PF = 20 KpF


Posted by Admin on 8:04 AM
In electronics, a diode is bersaluran two active components (thermionic diodes may have a third channel for heating). Diodes have two active electrodes in which electrical signals can flow, and most of the diodes are used because of its characteristics in one direction. Diodes varikap (Variable Capacitor / condenser variable) is used as voltage controlled capacitors.


Unidirectional properties owned most types of diodes are often called menyearahkan characteristics. The most common function of the diode is to allow electric current to flow in one direction (called the forward bias condition) and to hold the flow from the opposite direction (called a reverse bias condition). Therefore, the diode can be thought of as an electronic version of the valve in the transmission fluid.

Thermionic diode working principles were rediscovered by Thomas Edison on February 13, 1880 and he was given a patent in 1883 (U.S. Patent 307,031), but not developed further. Braun patented the crystal rectifier in 1899. Braun's discovery was further developed by Jagdish Chandra Bose into a useful device for radio detector.

Most of the current diode based on semiconductor pn meeting technology. In the pn diode, current flows from p-type side (anode) to the n-type side (cathode), but does not flow in the reverse direction.
Another type of semiconductor diode is a Schottky diode formed from a meeting between the metal and semiconductor (Schottky barrier) instead of the conventional pn meeting.


Posted by Admin on 7:54 AM
Definition Resistors
Resistors are electronic components of the two channels are designed to withstand an electric current by producing a voltage drop between the two channels in accordance with the current flowing, according to Ohm's law:
V = I x R

I = V / R


Resistors are used as part of electronic networks and electronic circuits, and is one of the most frequently used components. Resistors can be made from a variety of compounds and movies, even the wire resistance (wire made from high resistivity alloys such as nickel-chromium).

The main characteristics of the resistors is the resistance and the electrical power that can be wasted. Other characteristics include temperature coefficient, electrical sighed, and inductance.

Resistors can be integrated into hybrid circuits and printed circuit boards, integrated circuits even. The size and location of the foot depends on the design of circuits, resistors must be physically large enough so as not to overheat while wasting resources.


Ohm (symbol: Ω) is the SI unit for electrical resistance, named after George Simon Ohm. Usually used the prefix miliohm, kiloohm and megaohm.

Construction RESISTOR
Carbon composition
Carbon composition resistors consist of a tubular resistive element with a wire or metal lid on both ends. Resistor body is protected with paint or plastic. Old carbon composition resistors have not isolated entities, wire wrapped around the end of the resistive element and then soldered. Resistors which have become painted with the color code of the price.

Resistive element is made from a mixture of carbon powder and insulating material (usually ceramic). Resin is used to embed the mix. Resistance is determined by the ratio of carbon powder with insulating material. Carbon composition resistors are often used before the 1970s, but now not so popular as other types of resistors have better characteristics, such as tolerance, self-reliance against stress (carbon composition resistors change resistance when subjected to more stress), and the independence of the stress / strain . In addition, if the resistor becomes damp, heat from the solder can lead to changes in resistance that can not be refunded.

However, these resistors are very reliable if never given overvoltage or overheating.
This resistor is still produced, but relatively quite expensive. Resistance ranges from several miliohm to 22 MOhm.

The composition of the carbon film
Layer of carbon film deposited on a layer of insulator substrate, and cuts made to form a spiral resistive path long and narrow. By changing the width of cut lines, coupled with a resistivity of carbon (between 9 to 40 μΩ-cm) can provide a wide resistance. Carbon film resistor power rating between 1 / 6 W to 5 W at 70 ° C. Resistance is available from 1 ohm to 10 MOhm. Resistor carbon film can work at temperatures between -55 ° C to 155 ° C. It has a maximum working voltage of 200 to 600 volt.


The composition of the metal film
The main resistive element of foil resistors is a special alloy metal foil as thick as several micrometers.
Foil resistors are resistors with precision and best stability. One of the important parameters influencing stability is the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR). TCR of foil resistors is very low. Ultra-precision foil resistors have a TCR of 0.14ppm / ° C, tolerance ± 0005%, long-term stability 25ppm/tahun, 50ppm / 3 years, the stability of the load 0.03% / 2000 hours, heat 0.1μvolt EMF / ° C, sigh-42dB, voltage coefficient of 0.1ppm / V, 0.08μH inductance, capacitance 0.5pF.


Axial Resistors typically use a color banding pattern to indicate resistance. Resistor pairs numerically ditandas-surface if large enough to be marked, usually small size resistors are now used is too small to be marked. Packaging is usually light brown, brown, blue, or green, although other colors are also possible, such as dark red or gray.

Resistors beginning of the 20th century is usually not isolated, and dipped into the paint to cover the entire body for color coding. Given a second color on one end, and a point (or ribbon) colors in the middle to give the third digit. The rule is "the body, tip, point" gives the order of two decimal digits of the resistance and the multiplier. Basically tolerance is ± 20%. Resistors with a tolerance that is more tightly using silver color (± 10%) or gold (± 5%) on the other end.

Identification of four bands
Identification of four ribbons are color coded scheme the most frequently used. It consists of four color printing ribbon surrounds the resistor body. The first two bands are two-digit price information resistance, the third band is the multiplier (number of zeros are added after the two-digit resistance) and the fourth is the tolerance of the price band of resistance. Sometimes a fifth band indicates the temperature coefficient, but this must be distinguished from a true color system that uses five three-digit resistance.

For example, green-blue-yellow-red is 56 x 104Ω = 560 kΩ ± 2%. Easier description is: The first tape, green, has a price of 5 and a second ribbon, blue, has a price of 6, and both are counted as 56. The third tape, yellow, has a price of 104, which added four zeros in the back 56, while the fourth ribbon, red, is the code for the tolerance of ± 2%, giving 560.000Ω value on the accuracy of ± 2%.


Basic Electronic Components

Posted by Admin on 2:23 AM
According to my promise in my previous post which is about the Introduction Electronic. This time Electronic Circuit For You will discuss the Basic Electronic Components.

Basic Electronic Components
The Basic Electronic Components are Electronic Components that are very often used in Electronic Circuits. These Components are ususlly made of cramic materials ( Resistors, Capasitors, etc...). With the development of the age, then these component periodecally reduced in the manufacturing of Electronic Circuits are very complicated so that is now finding a replacement component which consicts of basic component of clusters that have been united. replacement component is called IC (Integreted Circuit). But the basic components remain desperately needed to offset the IC for the incoming cirrent and voltage in the circuit remains stable.

Electronic Componen is Two :
1. Acrive Components
2. Passive Components

Active Components
The definition of the active component is a component of the electronic component that if the electricity will produce a good energy in the form of strengthening and regulating the flow of electricity through it. some of which include active components include : Diodes, Transistor, Thyristor or SCR, TRIAC, Integreted Circuit (IC).

Passivve Components
The definition Of passive components are electronic Components that if electricity is not producing power, Such as : Changes in Voltage, Phase reversal, strengthening etc....

Until here first Electronic Circuit For You article about the Basic Electronic Components. explanation of the Basic Electronic Components will be discussed one by one in the next Electronic Circuit For You article. See you at the next post...

Electronics Introduction

Posted by Admin on 12:11 AM
Before we start learning a series of Electronic Circuits is a good idea the first post on the Elecronic Circuit For You, I am starting from the Electronics Intruduction.

In everyday life we meet a lot of elctronic tools that adopt the technology as the basis for example, at home, we often look at television, listen to song via tape or CD, listen to the radio, communicating with the telephone. our office uses a computer, printing with a printer, send massages to faxes, communicate with the telephone.

In the factory we use the detection device, oprating the robot builders, and so forth. event the way of highway we could see traffic lights, street lighting, which automatically alive at night, or a billboard that looks beutiful twinkling and there are many other examples.

Of all descriptions above we can prove that in this day and age we kill not be separated from the devices that use electronics as the basic technology. the tools that use the basic electronics work as above is usually reffered to as electronics equipment (Electronics Devices).

Electonics is the study of weak curent electrical appliance whitch is operated by way of controlling the flow of the electrons or electrically charged particles in a device such as computers, electronics equipment, thermocoiples, semiconductors, and so forth. science of learning tools such as this is a branch of physics, while the form of design and manufacture of electronic circuits is part of electrical enginering, computer engineering , and science / electronics and instrumentation engineering.

Just got here before the  Electronics Introduction in the Electronic Circuit For You this time. in the future i will discussthe basic electronic components. until we meet again in the nest post